Opening hours

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday, Friday: 8:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday -
    Thursday: 12:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday: closed
76 / 461 - 429

Reader state


For Children


Did you know:

  • you can register in the library for free (under the age of 16)
  • you shall return what you borrowed before the deadline otherwise you must pay a fine
  • you shall take good care of our book as well as your library ticket
  • not only can you visit us with your group or class but also with your family and friends

What CHILDREN’S LIBRARY offers to you:

  • a lot of newspapers and magazines about science, literature, linguistics and entertainment in the Teenagers’ corner (eg. Buci Maci, Garfield, Autó Motor, IM, Cimbora)
  • four multimedia computers with free internet access
  • a good time with your friends and classmates
  • old and new friendships
  • babies’s desks, chairs and toys in the Babies’ nook.